Karine Marenne et Messieurs Delmotte 


Couple of an artist-couple : Would you meet them ? You would encounter then two persons, a male artist and a female artist. But also a third artist, their couple : another living entity self-called "Artist-couple".

Karine Marenne and Messieurs Delmotte share the same wish in their works to push contemporary art and popular culture into a meeting and an interaction. The fictions created by Karine Marenne and the works of Messieurs Delmotte both consider the “BE ABSOLUTELY SOMEONE” social injunction to inject it in the real world. Both artists push to excess those inherited, unprecedented roles. They declinate the so-called injunction, until engulfing themselves, crashing, bumping into it.

The “male figure” of Messieurs Delmotte is a “non-figure of the male” at the same time. A twisted and interesting view on the male dominancy. Using dandy's outfits, he carries and loses his peculiar figure of plurality in a society wasted by its own modernity. Karine Marenne uses the stereotypes of feminity until becoming herself the “object to uniformise”.

Together they bring us to the identity questions of being a woman - for her and the others - being a man - for him and the others - being woman and man as an un-constitutive, conceptual and obsolete parts of the concept of family. They go further, they make art being a couple.

Céline Rallet